Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back to Work Blues

Well a Happy New Year to all! Hope everyone had a good one.

Today was the first day back at work after a divine week and a half off for the Xmas and New Year break. We decided to do nothing this holidays and simply relax, sleep in and rejuvenate. It was lovely, I even managed to get to the beach during the week, despite the unusually cool December we have been having here in "sunny and hot Perth".

Being back at work felt strange, but also routine. I just kind of slipped right back into it, the only thing I couldn't quite manage was the gym. The thought of getting up at 6am after my holiday of at least 10am sleep in's was just too hard to handle. So today was 7am and tomorrow will be 6am, we will just ease ourselves back into it.

Despite having to get up so d**n early, I actually really enjoy going the gym in the morning, you almost feel like when you get to work, you have already achieved so much, which really spurs you on. It wakes you up, it's the "me" time in my day where I can play my music and just think, without the interuption of the demanding client, the email, the crappy work computer crashing, the washing, ironing, cooking, driving in traffic. Oh dear, now I am back at work I have to deal with all of that cr*p again!

Despite feeling like it was wrong to be at work today when all of the surrounding cafe's, deli's and offices were closed, I actually got an awful lot of work done, it was extremely productive. Back into the daily grind, and for everyone still on holiday, enjoy it while it lasts! I had a friend get on msn today and ask me if I knew a hair dresser, she was set for a day being pampered and hanging at her local cafe...b**ch!! Hee hee.

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