Monday, January 30, 2006


So I officially resigned last week, so after 3 or so weeks I will be self employed. Kinda scary, which I think I mentioned in my last entry. My boss was kinda disappointed, which is understandable because I am a SH*T Hot designer! Haa haa, not really...

So I am currently run off my feet, trying to organise the new job, the finishing of the old job, and the organising of the wedding.

And speaking of the wedding, I popped over to see my mum tonight and she told me that she had organised the week off the week before the wedding to help me with the last minute things, and that also she wanted to offer any help she could give but that she didn't want to be a controlling mother of the bride. It was a really great moment, and one of those where you realise that, sh*t my parents are amazing! I haven't always praised my mum as much as I posibly should have, and this moment really confirmed for me yet again that she is, the best mum in the world, to me. :)

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