Thursday, June 08, 2006

My Subby Hubby and I

My husband has gone on his first business trip, only for two days and one night in the middle, but I figured that I should have a stand in Husband while he was gone. So one of my girlfriends stayed over last night, as my Subby Hubby. And I have got to say…the really hubby has a lot to live up to now!

We had a fantastic evening, of lasagne, wine, chats, girly movies. The lasagne was cooked up for me, and I am eating the leftovers now, and it is …well…divine! The wine was delicious and the instalment of Diane Keaton in The Family Stone was perfection.

Interesting. See, last night gave me a little of an idea of what it would be like to live with a woman, and although I am not attracted to women, the lifestyle I experienced yesterday evening is definitely something I could get used to. No offence to all the guys out there, but your attention to detail in the kitchen cleanliness department is generally not that crash hot, with a woman on the other hand my kitchen was left spotless. There were no crumbs left on the bench and no spots of water on the sink (it has to be spot free da*mnit!).

Mmm…how do you go about getting a guy to do all that without sounding like you are trying to change/nag him??

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